Lapiz Conciente Net worth/Age/Height/Weight/Bio

What is the net worth of Lapiz Conciente?

Lapiz Conciente (born Luis Hernandez on October 13, 1979) is a Puerto Rican rapper and entrepreneur who has a net worth of $10 million. His rap career began in the late 1990s, and he has released several albums including Un Millon de Luces (A Million Lights) in 2016. Hernandez also owns several businesses, including a clothing line, a recording studio, and a music publishing company.

How did Lapiz Conciente make his money?

Lapiz Conciente’s net worth comes from his music career and various business ventures. His rap career began in the late 1990s, and he has since released some of the most acclaimed music from a Puerto Rican artist since reggaeton took over.

Lapiz Conciente was born as Luis Hernández on October 13, 1979 in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. He started rapping at age 14 and by 19 released his first studio album, “Clase Aparte”, which reached number 37 on Billboard’s Latin Rhythm Albums chart. In 2004 he appeared on Calle 13’s song “Querido FBI”. From 2008 to 2011, Hernandez hosted a radio show called Un Millon de Voces that aired for two hours every Saturday night on WKAQ 580AM. In 2012 Lapiz Conciente launched a fundraiser via Indiegogo with a goal of $40,000 to help victims of Hurricane Sandy. The campaign raised over $50,000.

Lapiz Conciente has also been successful in the business world. In 2007 he founded his own clothing line called “Alberto Lozada”. The following year he founded “Sonido Maestro”, a recording studio in San Juan. In 2010 he founded “Loza Music Publishing” which publishes music by Puerto Rican artists. And in 2016 Lapiz Conciente opened “La Casa de la Musica”, a music venue in San Juan.

What is Lapiz Conciente’s net worth?

As of 2017, Lapiz Conciente has a net worth of10 million. This wealth comes from his successful music career and various business ventures.

Is Lapiz Conciente married?

Lapiz Conciente is not married. He has one daughter, born in 2012.

What is Lapiz Conciente’s net worth in U.S. dollars?

As of 2017, Lapiz Conciente’s net worth is about $10 million in U.S. dollars. This converts to about 8 million euros or 9 million

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